Colour My World Beautiful

This post will have a lot of photos and some music – if only because I don’t think I have ever been so photographed as during these past two weeks  – and each and every person with whom those photos were taken  has in one way or another left a mark....

Theology through Music: an Experiment

So this is a quick post, and a functional one. Just came back from a quick but really fruitful Conference in Toronto. Will get back to gathering thoughts around that… but wanted to put up on the website an experiment. By way of invitation: The conference was on...

How does one feel when releasing a new album?

There are conversations that mark us for years, and I had one such chat a few years ago with Cristóbal Fones, SJ, on the happy event of a concert/ prayer time celebrating the Ordination of another friend Goncalo Castro Fonseca SJ to the priesthood. The chat was about...

We give thanks for a beautiful, beautiful life…

Today and yesterday (depending on where you live in this world of God’s) was my Dad’s birthday…to whom I owe so much of who I am what I love about life, and what is important. I know in many ways I’m like him: work hard, play hard 🙂 … and especially love those who are...

Roman Blessings

As I leave home and travel down under once again, I gather the experiences to give thanks and hold. I am very grateful for a successful event in Rome: the pre-launch concert of my forthcoming CD: Break the Crystal Frame, which will be officially released on August 21...

Let’s play our song…

So I find myself in Asia for the very first time :), and am loving it… China time with Yvonne, Devy and Debbie … Immersing myself in new worlds of religious sensibility…             Trying out the best of ‘food paradise: before: … and...