Catholic Speaker, Theologian & Musician
Making leadership, theology,
and music relevant to a modern world

Dr Maeve Louise Heaney VDMF, brings Catholic leadership, theology, and music to life through her speaking, writings, and of course her music.

Dr Maeve Louise Heaney has spoken to audiences all around the world. Maeve, a consecrated religious of the Verbum Dei Community, is an engaging, passionate, and enthusiastic speaker who breathes life into the mysteries of faith, theology and music.
She has expertise in topics such as:
- Preaching
- Music and theology
- Leadership of women in the Church
- Music in evangelisation
Maeve is a gifted composer and singer. Use her music as a resource to connect access lived human and faith experiences, connect with the realities of our faith, and to guide you on your spiritual journey.
She has released 5 albums:
- I Believe in You
- Stand
- Nel Frattempo (in Italian)
- Break the Crystal Frame
- Strange Life: The Music of Doubtful Faith

Maeve moves between ministry and theology, with a firm conviction that we need to listen to the questions of our times and find thoughtful, theological grounded answers for the challenges we face. Because thought changes the world, albeit slowly and from within. An example of her writings:
- Music and Theology: What Music Says about the Word (2012);
- “There! I have put my Words into your Mouth” was published in the August Edition of The Bridge, Journal of the ACBC’s National Centre for Evangelisation (2020)
- “Women’s Leadership in the Church: A Question of Imagination” in Sandie Cornish and Andrea Dean (ed.), in Still Listening to the Spirit: Woman and Man Twenty Years Later (Office for Social Justice of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference: Sydney, 2019).
- Suspended God: Music and a Theology of Doubt (2022).