Writings and Research

Want a deeper understanding of Music, Theology, Mission and Leadership?
Follow Dr Maeve as she blogs, writes and shares her insights and learnings throughout her career.
- Light from Within: Lenten Program 2020 (Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2020).
- “A Hermeneutical Exploration of The Revelatory Text of John 4:1–42, In Performative Key”, Theological Studies (June 2020).
- “Women’s Leadership in the Church: A Question of Imagination” in Sandie Cornish and Andrea Dean (ed.), in Still Listening to the Spirit: Woman and Man Twenty Years Later (Office for Social Justice of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference: Sydney, 2019).
- Music as Theology: What Music Says about the Word. Princeton Theological Monograph Series of Pickwick Publications, Oregon, 2012
- “There! I have put my Words into your Mouth”, published in the August Edition of The Bridge, Journal of the ACBC’s National Centre for Evangelisation.
- “Music as Locus Theologicus: an Expression of Harmonic Grace.” In The Acta of the International Eucharistic Congress 2012 Theology Symposium: The Ecclesiology of Communion Fifty Years after the Opening of Vatican II. Dublin: Veritas, 2013.
- “When the Studio Becomes the Study: Conflicting Patterns of Consciousness”. ARTS: The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2, (July 2016).
- “The Cosmic Song of ‘Laudato Si’. Theological and Liturgical Implications” in Liturgy News 2015 45 (3), September, 2015.
- Musical Space: Living ‘In-between the Artistic and Christian Callings.” In Secular Music and Sacred Theology, ed. Tom Beaudoin. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2013.
- “The Eloquence of Music in Contemporary Culture.” In Theology, Volume 114 Issue 3, May 2011.