April 30th, 2013.

There is a bar manager in Rome, il Signor Camilo, who calls me by my middlename – Louise. That is how he (always) remembers me
: by my hidden name – the one few people register.

And when I sit here on this beautiful terrace overlooking rooftops of Rome…


it is that middle, hidden space inside me that finds a resting place… “peace I leave with you”.



I have two windows in me: one outwards, the other inwards; one to others, the other into my own depths; one where light and pain
find a way in (and out) through others, the other, darker, perhaps more secret and more vulnerable, where silent words rest me: “my peace I give to you… do not let your heart be
troubled…”. This is where I breathe. This is where the roots plunge and drink. This is where my music is born of…



You remember my true name… ” The rules of mercy never change

Jerusalem and the islands; Rome and Australia; the centre and the edges. I wonder if, among other things, I am going to the edges to re-find the centre, if Louise will be the moving force in the years to come… And I think this is my desire… “bless us, Oh Lord, and these thy gifts…”

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